Stefano Di Domenico Surgeon, Policlinico IRCCS San Martino, Genoa
Beatrice Palermo Surgeon, Osp. S.Andrea, La Spezia
Matteo Santoliquido Surgeon, Policlinico IRCCS San Martino, Genoa
Benedetta Cardellino Medical Student, University of Genoa.
Federica Grillo Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgical Science and Diagnostics, University of Genoa.
Irene Nepita Researcher at CNR ICMATE, Genoa
Rodolfo Repetto Full Professor Dept. of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Genoa
Alberto Lagazzo Assistant Professor Dept. of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Genoa
Liver function and hepatic regeneration are strictly related to the intrahepatic hemodynamic, especially in portal overflow states as occurring after hepatic resection and partial liver transplantation. Enhanced portal flow drives the regeneration process but is also linked to the development of small for size liver syndrome in liver with reduced compliance.
Indeed, during hepatic regeneration, various changes in microcirculation occur, leading to changes in the viscoelastic properties of liver tissue.
In order to establish a correlation between the portal flow and the intrahepatic pressure drop in normal and regenerating liver, we are conducting pc-controlled, ex-vivo normothermic perfusion tests.
These slides were exposed at the maker faire Rome 2023

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